
By keithyboy

Everyday essentials

Spending 15 out of 18 hours in bed before going to work means that interesting blips are harder than normal to find. So today I realised I had to be mundanely creative, if that's even a thing, and blip the things I take to work. The rain had woken me a couple of times during the day then the sunshine hurt my eyes when I was getting breakfast, four seasons in one day, as they say. The sunglasses were essential on the way to work, the bright but cloudy skies were making my eyes freak out, the cap served as a wonderful disguise for my bad hair day and I didn't need the umbrella until heading home, which was nice.

That wonderful umbrella, acquired from my workplace after being left by a customer, is probably visible from space when opened. Named "the beast" by the manufacturer, it lives up to its name rather well. At certain points on the walk to work it needs to be tilted to fit between posts and when it comes to one bus stop and the time table, it's much easier Judy to walk on the road or take down the umbrella in order to avoid looking ridiculous when you are jammed between the two. It's even less fun on a windy day!

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