All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch


Guess what? My neighbour finally came round today to make a start on finishing off the wallpapering! The old paper has now been completely stripped and he has re-plastered the bits of the walls which needed doing. All it needs now is the new wallpaper to be put up! I'm not sure if he's coming back tomorrow to finish it off or if we'll have to wait till next weekend, but I really hope it's tomorrow!

It was quite a productive day overall as hubbie and I left him to it so we could go and look for some curtains for the same room. Having spent goodness knows how long looking at I have no idea how many websites over the past few months, and not being able to find anything we both liked, we managed to find 2 sets of curtains today which we both agree on! Now we just have to decide which one to get!

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