Snow drops in the snow……..in the dark!

No bird song tonight as I left work, and I can't say I blame them! The weather was horrid.

However, around midnight the snow fell and actually lay on the ground. So I found myself playing with my camera in the early hours. :0)

When I'd finished my neighbour quietly knocked on my door (obviously figuring I was still up due to the lights being on) to report to me that our big salt bin wasn't there!!! It sits directly opposite my kitchen window but I have no idea when it was removed, or why!

Shortly after that Jewelz and I headed out for a quick walk before bed. We got to enjoy the fresh snow with no-one else around to muck it up. It was that lovely still, quiet way. Ahhh!

The snow was already melting fast and had turned to water in my backyard by the time we returned. (later) This morning the only evidence was a dusting on roof tops.
Glad Jewelz and I got to enjoy it! :0)

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