Noises from the SW Front

By Aestus

Be Still My Heart

Saw this on the way out of the Chiropractor's office. Honestly, I have enough trouble keeping my vertebrae aligned and functioning, and the rest of my reluctant old joints bending and twisting in a facsimile of the way I remember they once did: if I had all that gluten intolerance/food allergy stuff wrong too,I might have to chuck it all in. Just realized; if my body didn't like gluten I'd have to give up beer. I'd definitely need to chuck it in. Anyone have the number of the Hemlock Society, just in case? I'll keep it handy on the off-chance I see one of these poor gluten intolerant people hirpling out on a Zimmer the next time I'm there. It would be a kindness after all, wouldn't it?

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