South Coast Scribblings

By SueSouth

Across the field

I had a walk by this field today - on a tarmac path, fortunately! There are horses kept in the field and they've been a bit ankle deep in water here. At least it was sunny and bright today, which was nice.

I did some bathroom cleaning and some hoovering today and a friend came round to fix up some new guttering round the garage for us. He had an awful job to drill the garage as it's reinforced concrete, but found an old bit of wood in the garage that he used to prop up the guttering and drill into for extra support. The old guttering kept blowing apart in the wind, so was far from ideal.

I'm doing an incredibly difficult jigsaw on my Kindle at the moment - it's only 400 pieces but is a map of the world. There is a picture to look at - but not at the same time, and I can't memorise it for toffee! I work on it a bit each day, but am still only about half finished! I will need to get some typing done next, as there are one or two things to type for church this week.

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