In Memoriam Lady Josephine's brave souls

The mining industry is proud to record its history so there is a wealth of detail on the internet and one wonders if the financial and service industries will prove to be of similar interest in years to come.That I doubt! Anyway here is pictured a memorial to ten miners who lost their lives in the pit disaster of 1931 at Bowhill Colliery,originally named "Lady Josephine' after the owner's daughter. That was in 1895 when the colliery opened. It closed in 1965 as the coal industry was cast aside. In the late 1950's my wife Olive went underground to explore the seams which I expect was not a privilege enjoyed by Lady Josephine in 1895. The full story of the colliery is to be found on the internet under-- Bowhill (Lady Josephine) Colliery.

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