S1 - Another Day

By S1

The eye test

Today we had to take CJ for an eye test - given S2's eyes, we thought it best to get CJ's checked early.

So, to make sure he wasn't too hyperactive, we took him to soft-play before hand - a perfect way to exhaust an active toddler.

Then we headed for the eye test.

CJ was amazing during the whole process! We quickly went through the standard picture tests to check his tracking and focus. Then in went the drops... 30 minutes later (during which time CJ explored the optometrist's toy collection) it was back for the more formal test - CJ didn't complain once.

The result - CJ is going to need glasses to help his eyes develop evenly - currently one eye is weaker than the other (both are long sighted).

So, we then had to try on some different styles, to find some that he didn't seem to mind too much.

They should be ready next week. And then the games, of trying to keep them on, will begin.

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