St Bartholomew's Church, Chosen Hill

Popped out at lunchtime and managed to shoot another of the impressive old churches near the office.

This one is St Bartholomew's Church situated on Chosen Hill in Churchdown.

You get very impressive views of the the surrounding countryside as the hill is about 500ft above sea level.

For more information visit the church's official site.

But to summarise some of the history from that site:

The present church is Norman in foundation, with the nave being the main surviving part from this era, and Roger du Pont L'Eveque, Archbishop of York from 1154 to 1181, is thought to have been the builder in about 1175 AD. Archbishop Roger was contemporary with Thomas Becket, Archbishop of Canterbury, and there was much rivalry between these two primates so it has been suggested that Roger erected his church on such a prominent spot in Canterbury's southern province as an act of defiance.

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