Explore, Dream, Discover

By Snowcycle

Hillend, Caerketton, Swanston & Caerketton Craigs

A wee bit icy underfoot as I went on my pre-training course walk this morning, no snow lower down, but the Pentland Hills have a fair dusting. This is nothing like as much as the Scottish Highlands have been getting recently, but it still looks quite nice.

On the left is the Midlothian Ski Centre, a dry ski slope on the slopes of Caerketton Hill. The building in the middle is the Swanston golf club clubhouse. Swanston village, which has has connection to Robert Louis Stevenson and Sir Walter Scott, is in the trees just behind the golf club. The hill on the right is not named on the OS map, but the crags are called Caerketton Craigs.

It all looks lovely apart from the pylons and the noise from the Edinburgh bypass.

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