Roxy the Ballerina on Ice

Even more alluring.

Beauty on ice... that about sums up this skater. She performed in the Women's Ice Skating competition this afternoon, showing the skill and grace of a true veteran. Coming into the AOG, Roxy was the favorite for gold. She was even nicknamed the Golden Girl... but could she pull it off? Well, today she showed the world that her nickname wasn't just for publicity! Seen here at the end of a spectacular routine, Roxy gave us her best come-hither look aimed right for the judges. She's sure not a shy girl. Beauty aside, she really earned the gold medal with a routine that was not only graceful and fluid, but one that had a level of difficulty that no other skater could match. I caught a shot of her as she nailed the landing of an amazing Russian split. I've never seen anything like it!

In other news, the pair skating team for team bluejay ended their Olympic career on a tragic note. Bobby Bluejay stopped to eat a peanut and missed catching Belinda as she came down from their rotation lift. It was a sad moment in an otherwise stellar routine. This being their last Olympics, it was a shamed to have things end so badly.

Tune in tomorrow for more coverage of the games... Reporting from the AOG Michigan stadium, this is BetsysPics signing off.

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