Married for 60 years.

"Chinese elders never say 'I love you' when others can hear it, but we came to America in 1994, and we find we like this custom of saying what you feel. It is still new for us, but we have made good life for sixty years now. Maybe we can say 'I love you' and not be embarrassed for others to hear. Because we find it is true." Neighbors who live in my building, these two joined the Chinese community in celebrating the Year of the Horse today.

I am not much on the website just now because one of my keyboard keys is not functioning, and it's frustrating. I have to use only words that don't have the letter that comes after o. I may end by having to get a new machine, but I've ordered the missing letter and will see if I can fix this. Grrrrrr. If anyone has successfully done this fix, do let me know.

FINDING VIVIAN MAIER was shown in my city on Tuesday, and I went to see it with three dear friends. Fascinating, infuriating. I feel Maloof is well-intentioned but does not understand Maier or her work. In telling any life story, we select details we understand, we neglect or minimize what we don't understand. I feel Maier would not have authorized this version of her story, as it draws her as weird, crazy, inscrutable. From studying her work, from thinking about her and identifying with her, I have a very different Vivian in my imagination. It could be that my Vivian is just as flawed and fictional as Maloof's, and no doubt she would not have authorized my version either, but I feel I am closer to her than he is. I have other thoughts and feelings but will have to wait till I can use that 26th letter to write about it as I'd like to.

No Bella today. She's out of town on a job with her mom.

More shots of Chinese New Year celebration here.

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