
By Charlie17

14th February.

Bandit: You seem a bit grumpy today Dylan. What's up?
Dylan: Humph!
Bandit: Come on, out with it.
Dylan: Well, what day is it today?
Bandit: Friday Dylan, all day.
Dylan: Yes, but what's special about this Friday?
Bandit: Is it a birthday day?
Dylan: No!
Bandit: Is it the start of Wimbledon?
Dylan: NO!! It's Valentine's Day.
Bandit: And?
Dylan: And you haven't sent me a card!
Bandit: But you haven't sent me one!
Dylan: That's different!
Bandit: Why?
Dylan: I don't have any money.
Bandit: Nor do I!
Dylan: Well you could have made me one from leaves and sticks and things!
Bandit: You could have done that!
Dylan: I didn't think of it!
Bandit: What about my flowers then?
Dylan: I ate them!

It has to be this classic.
Some nice photos too.

Sent from my iPad

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