
By LadyFindhorn

We Like Sheep....

The girls and I had an amazing night at Stobo Castle. I was spoiled beyond my wildest dreams - a beautiful bouquet of flowers in the room when we arrived, cards and presents from the non- Edinburgh children and grandchildren, a bottle of Champagne before dinner and a birthday cake with an accompanying rendition of Happy Birthday in 3 part harmony. It was almost too much for me to comprehend and I have to say I was so touched as I never expected such a show of love and affection. I have a very big thank you for Rosie who organised a lot from Leeds, Lucy,her lieutenant in Glasgow, Jane from Rannoch who got out of her sick bed to drive down , and daughter#1 ( who likes to remain anonymous) who drove the rest of us to Stobo.

This morning after a session in the swimming pool and crystal steam room, we went for a muddy walk up to the hill loch. While we were out, the shepherd on a quad bike and his dog drove this flock of sheep into a field beside us. I liked the effect of the heat rising from them condensing in the cold air.

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