Certainly Uncertain

By shyBadger

It Pays To Listen

Late in the afternoon I was plugging away at work when both dogs, sitting on their window box, start barking like mad. I get up to see what they are so excited about only to see nothing. No one was outside, nothing seemed out of place. I just thought they were being weird. They were both very pleased I'd come over to see what they were interested in and were wiggling at me, so I sat with them and told them how silly they were for barking at nothing. Out the window, some movement in the woods caught my eye. I focused on that area and waited. Sure enough, there was a pair of deer tromping through the snow. One of them seemed very unsure of the snow and having to cross an open path through the woods. The other one had bounded ahead, but came back to encourage (?) its companion to move on. I haven't seen a deer in our woods for a few years now, so I ran to get my coat on and grabbed my camera. The pups were so damn cute patiently waiting by the door, I brought them too. By the time we made it down to the woods, I figured they'd be gone. But no - bold deer was still running back and forth across the path to the other deer. On our (quiet) approach, both deer finally decided it was time to go and I watched them bound off through the snow. Unfortunately, my lens was only 70mm on the long end and I didn't get anything of them through the thick woods. The dogs were ecstatic, but made zero noises (very unlike them!) We followed their trail for a bit, much to the dogs' enjoyment. Seeing those deer run had stopped my heart they were so graceful. Now to get a longer lens ... It definitely paid to pay attention to what my dogs were excited about <3
Today's blip is Corra running down the path the deer did not want to cross.

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