Life in Sunny Dubai

By GadgetKid


Wow! Blipland seems to be full of Valentine's things - so here is my contribution (seeing as I may be posting the most unromantic picture ever!).

This was seen on an escalator when we were out and about two weeks ago...

"Love is not about finding the hand that fits yours, it's finding the one who is willing to hold your hand no matter how unfit it may be."

So after an incredibly leisurely start (as I went to bed so late), we headed out to Jumeirah to check out a newly opened Café for lunch. At 1:45pm, we were the ONLY people eating in there. You could tell they were popular though as there were over 15 cakes waiting to be collected!

Went out for a drive to explore parts of "new" Dubai... Jumeirah Palm in particular. Can't believe how many new luxury hotels have now been built on it, and we saw them all - albeit from the outside!! Popped into a newly opened Waitrose in between enjoying a cup of tea on the Beach and finally getting home... So glad there's another day off tomorrow. Woo hoo! Hope you've all had/are having a good day! :)

My blip is a tiny section of Dubai Marina, the most striking building of which was first blipped here.
PS. Gs picture for the day.

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