All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Ethan, Eden and Billy

Well as predicted, we had a terrible night with Ethan. He was up 4 times during the night and was very distressed each time. Even though he was sharing our bed with hubbie, while I slept in Ethan's room, he kept coming through to find me but didn't seem to know what he wanted me to do to help him. He also got very upset when he woke at 8am but settled after about 15 mins or so and then was actually pretty good for the rest of the day.

In fact Granny and Grandpa had a good day with both Ethan and Eden who played nicely together, helped make cakes and had lots of snuggles with the grandparents.

Here are the kids posing with Billy the skull - they're both rather taken with him! Ethan even takes him to bed at night!

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