Tales from the Swamp

By fatmungo

There be dragons!

This blip lark is pretty tough when you don't see any daylight and have to take a panic shot just before you go to bed. The issue with the CameraZoom FX app altering the exif data means I can't even clean the shot up a little. Ah well...

DRAGONS! I've been digging round eBay again in an attempt to finish my Fighting Fantasy collection. I think I've got almost all of them but just need original copy of Curse of The Mummy. They are not that rare but I seem to keep missing them.

I was over in the "wrong" city today. Most of the meetings I was over for didn't really warrant the trip but we've kicked off something new and important so it was worth it in the end.

Food = Bagels (as usual)
Place = Inside, all day.
TV = Silent Witness

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