Shaken, not stirred...

By NeonPlumMartini


The back injury took a turn for the worse and I was rushed to hospital last night. Maxed out on all my pain relief, I was screaming in agony if I attempted to move, and I couldn't use my left leg at all. Terrifying is not a strong enough word.
So naturally, in my druuuuuuged up state before going into MRI, I took this absurd selfie in all the oh so sexy garb. I was in scrubs instead of a gown, given a hairnet thing, and because of my severe anxiety they gave me one of those eye mask things - they dosed me right up on valium and got me to put the eye mask on before going in, in the hopes of me falling asleep. I remained awake though, but I was too doped up to care. My radiologist was lovely, admiring all my tattoos as she shecked me over for potential shrapnel type wounds because of my car accident five years ago - I still have bits of various foreign matter in my skin.
The results of the MRI showed what wen feared - another disc had slipped (this makes four) and was pressing on nerves. So the neurosurgeon team are hurrying up to get me under the knife to fix this.

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