Our Journey is a process

By journeysprocess

Blowin' in the Wind

After a very busy day, I escaped for a couple of hours to hike along the river. I needed to blow the cobwebs out of my head. But, the high winds blew a lot more than cobwebs. It was fairly warm day, but the cold wind still bit right through my jacket.

The high winds made trying to shoot very difficult. I used my tripod, and would wait until the gusts died down, but I still got lots of motion in all of my photos. Yet, the light was wonderful. I hope you can forgive the blur.

After my walk along the river, I drove to another section of the river. But before I could hike down to the river, I heard a train whistle. I barely had time to raise my camera and shoot off a few photos as Amtrak screamed by. Amtrak

I hope you all had a wonderful Valentine's Day. Here in Reno, Valentine's Day is a great excuse for thousands of people who live in Northern California to drive over the pass, and come to do whatever "that stays in Nevada". For us, like New Year's Eve, it isn't a night to go out. So, we will celebrate next week when we are in Southern California.

Have a wonderful weekend!

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