Soggy Sydney

We arrived in Sydney about 6am, dropped the luggage at the hotel by 8am and then went walkies!!

An orientation walk took us up to Circular Quay and back. The drizzle started and can be seen in this blip, but we were a trifle soggy by the time we back to the hotel. It is warm, so being warm and wet is no great hardship!!

This afternoon we walked over to Darling Harbour and visited the National Maritime Museum. The stiffness from 24hrs sitting on a plane was eased somewhat by climbing in, under and over HMAS Vampire, a destroyer, Submarine HMAS Onslow and HMB Endeavour, a replica of Captain Cook's famous vessel. The physical requirements for working on these ships was to be short, skinny and super fit!! I don't meet any of those!!

The coffee shop next to the hotel has free Wi-Fi, so we might use it to upload our blips while we have a coffee and then find somewhere for an evening meal. We will struggle to stay awake this evening, so I can see an early night and probably be awake about 4/5am!!

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