Happy Valentines Day

I awoke today still feeling unwell, my day was made better by getting my valentines present from McCombers. I also received 2 chocolate cup cakes and a chocolate orange. My girl knows me so well! I got her a Graphic Novel from our favourite TV show, Dexter! Now we can get a fix.

I returned to work today after a couple of days off sick. It was a busy day selling paint and popping pills.

McCombers and I headed out to The Beautiful Mountain to celebrate valentines day with tapas and cava, and best of all it was FREE!!!

I went onto The Beautiful Mountain facebook page, and if you liked a picture you were entered into a draw to win dinner and cava, and I WON!!

Good times!!

it was without a doubt one of the best meals we've ever had, ever!!

We had
Patatas bravas
Scallops with chorizo & black pudding
Sizzling Prawns
Lam Kebab
Baked Camenbert

Every dish was amazing!!

I cannot recommend it enough!

People of Aberdeen!! Go to the Beautiful Mountain!! You must!! You simply must!

Sadly I was still feeling pretty unwell so it was early to bed for us. (In a sleepy way, not a romantic way.)

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