Spontaneous Still Life.
I love when things just somehow manage to find themselves together, arranged in a pleasing manner! all i did for this shot was move a paper clip and our bookings binder....other than that, this little still life was just sitting there on the dining room table in the sun! Terry found the lovely Buddha at Winners...go figure....so he got it to add to our already rather large collection, the tulips are sitting in a pot i made about 8 years ago, before i moved here, the lovely glass candle sticks were made by one of my bestest buddies in Muskoka, Simon Bisley....i've had them for probably 20 years. The little brass candle stick is one of Terry's and i don't know it's history!
i'm looking for new material to paint...this might be just the ticket!
Just been for a lovely long snow shoe walk....and the sun seems to be planning to hang out for a while...we'll see!
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