
By Houseonahill6

Castle on a cloud

We thought we might be in for some rain today. There were heavy showers during the night and it was blowing a gale but we thought we would take a drive up to Loch Brora. After a tasty breakfast the clouds had lifted so we just headed for the blue sky again. The water in Loch a Brora was very high and we could see fences and trees that would normally be on dry land. It must be sooo shocking to see all the floods in the South and it seems never ending. There was a sink hole near Sittingbourne last week and now one in Hemel, yikes !

After a drive round the very large loch we went to Dunrobin Castle .I did struggle on the many steps down but the views of the Fairytale Castle were amazing with the clouds and blue sky as a backdrop. The snowdrops were beautiful , the best in the little woods where they formed a carpet of white. The walk brought us out by the sea and the waves were crashing against the shore. A whole part of the old wall had been destroyed in the storms. We managed to avoid the heavy showers and were treated to several bright rainbows.

We spent some of the afternoon by the Helmsdale River. It was nice just to sit and watch the water and the gulls :)

Will catch up with everyone when We get back :)

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