
By NickyH


Here is - Master Gorgeous-pants.

He might be a bit of a know-it-all, a bit stroppy at times, a bundle of (too much) energy, and very, very loud, but he's also incredibly funny, very sweet, as mad as a hatter, and generally the best little boy we could ever hope for. Love him to bits.

Fillet steak and prosecco will be the order of play this evening, once this little monkey is in bed. I'm so glad we're not going anywhere. For now we're snuggled up in the warm watching Harry Potter. Perfect.

Have a fabulous weekend, lovely blippers xx

I have been on a bit of a sabbatical from blip of late. It all got a bit much and I needed to take a step back. I don't want to stop blipping, but it means my commenting is extremely sporadic. Thank you for still leaving your lovely, encouraging comments - I truly appreciate it and I hope to immerse myself in the wonderful land of blip again very soon xx

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