Me, My Camera & I

By notgraham

Stuffed to the eyeballs

Today has been super productive. Gone from our home are all the boxes we've spent the last week filling. All away stored safely for a few weeks. We've also used the van rental from today to throw out some old furniture.

There is nothing more satisfying than throwing something into the big skips at the cooncil tip. Even better when it hits the side of said skip and breaks into tens of pieces, but all parts still end up in said skip. Before anyone says that we should have recycled them - they were not worthy of recycling for some other family. We'd strung along with them for long enough. Glued, screwed and duct taped when required till today.
Gone, Vamooshed!

Deserving of dinner we've ordered in, and rather than let the food coma set in I've been productive with some of the bits Amazon kindly delivered on Friday. We now have a nice new button on our toilet flusher, followed by a new shower head holder. Gone are the disintegrated parts we've put up with for months.

We now just need to work out what to do with the bales of bark we've ordered, and bags of limestone (for decorative purposes)

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