
By lemonzest


We didn't realise it, but it was J's birthday today. M had cooked goose liver and potatoes which we enjoyed very much. As ever, we had a long and lively chat. Happy Birthday J!

We had done some shopping in Suwalki for a few extra light fittings and a sink for the laundry, not exactly very attractive, but it might make sense of an otherwise uninspiring hole in the floor. I will have a reading light before long. It was the nice lady in the shop until she went home. She remembered us from last time, which was nice.

We also met the Ms in the lighting section which was a surprise. We even were given a present of a rather nice book, signed for us by the the bathroom taps section of the shop. The lady on the till was rather puzzled by something obtained in the shop but not from them. We had a coffee before we left. Fortunately we didn't make a detour to Tesco but went back directly.

Earlier DB called round, on his way to inspect some firewood. Four artists in one day, where else but remote rural Eastern Poland.

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