All the Queen's horses...

and all the Queen's men, provide great photo opportunities :-)

This is a very late blip - we've had a lovely day in London and we set off early so we were there by 10.30 am. The weather's been fine, a few showers but lots of sunshine and the wind wasn't too bad, so we've walked everywhere.

We stopped for a coffee and a hot chocolate at Inn the Park in St James's Park, and then walked over to see the Horse Guards. We missed the changing of the guard, but it's always lovely to see the soldiers and their horses on guard. We then walked to Westminster and heard Big Ben chime at midday, down The Mall to Buckingham Palace, through Green Park and had lunch at a great Italian restaurant on Piccadilly who has the celebrity Chef Aldo Zilli as part of their team - the food was great, as was the atmosphere.

After lunch we walked into China Town and then to Oxford Street as I wanted to go to Selfridge's. We sat and had a drink in the Champagne Bar and bought a couple of things, albeit nothing expensive, and then headed home. There was a slight delay due to flooding on the line, which meant we had to take a slight detour, but we made it home ok. Louis went to Annie's for the day so we called to pick him up on the way home. I think they got on very well and he's had some good walks, and is now fast asleep on the sofa.

In other news, I got offered the job yesterday and I've accepted so will be starting in a couple of week's time. They seem a really nice firm, but the downside is that it's full time! And a big thank you for putting my Valentine's Blip on the spotlight yesterday.

Anyway, it's bed time, so I'll say good night. Hope you're having a good weekend!

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