
The Aliens were full on today :-)
Today is 21 years since my best friend died, she was the same age
as me, I sat with her all night and held her hand and spoke to her
a strange thing happened just before she passed, she sat up and
put her arms out three times...She had been in a coma for 3 weeks.
The nurses told me her hearing was the last to go, so me being me
I nattered on and on the room was very still calm and serene, I felt
very comfortable, I felt something, nothing I could put my finger on
just comfortable.

Her husband left her and her kids when he found out she had cancer
and she met a really nice guy and they fell in love, he was an Irish lad
his name was Danny I used to call him Danny boy, sadly he was
killed in a car accident, so I think he was at the end of her bed waiting
for her.I miss her very much she was a lovely lady, another sad thing
happened a year after she died, her son who she had adopted in the
early 60s came up from Wales looking for her, I told him stuff about
her and gave him the few photos I had, he seemed happy with that.
So my blip today is for G my lovely friend...

We only part ways
To meet again

Hope your all having a good day... X

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