Eleventh, and penultimate, in the Proclaimers Sunshine on Leith series.
Nearly didn't get a shot today at all. I was making a bee*, and suddenly realised I'd got all carried away with the job in hand, and it was after 11. So, the plans of dripping water onto my own fair cheek were shelved, and I went instead for the simpler 'glass in sink with tap on' set up. Mainly, I have to admit, because I couldn't find my one remaining working tripod for the 'teardrop on face' set up.
Here are two of the broken tripods, as used for fireworks yesterday. The contraption lasted fine until about two fireworks before the end, but the broken leg issue could only be resolved by me wedging the broken leg between my knees and trying to stay really still, which became increasingly difficult as Conor's attempts to make me pick him up grew ever more frenzied. (He wasn't frightened or unable to see - just being .... himself.)
* I'll probably blip it at some point if it ever gets finished.
Couldn't find a recording of this to point you at. But this is probably my least favourite song on the album so I'm not too upset about that. Tomorrow's a great track though...
Teardrops running down your face
Teardrops running down your face
Diamonds of water, and salt from your body
Coming down to meet my kisses
Teardrops running down your face
Teardrops running down your face
Staining your skin and my skin and beginning
The stories that you can't begin
The way I feel could be despised but it?s a vision that I prize
Teardrops Teardrops
I'm not trying to make you feel pain
or joy to make the tears flow
But when they roll unashamed - they move me so
Teardrops running down your, face
Teardrops running down your, face
Let me, let me brush them with my fingers
Comfort you and say its alright
It's so strong this way I feel sometimes I want to beg or steal
Teardrops Teardrops.
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