
By Mikey88

Silver Morning

Well, we had the frost which was predicted and I managed to get myself out of bed and down to the river in time to catch the light as the sun came up over the top of the valley. I did have to scrape the car and there were one or two slippy bits on the way, but they were well worth putting up with.

As always, there was lots to photograph. The light on the trees across the valley was superb; the marsh was still flooded, so I got some reflection shots; there were ducks and canada geese flying past and I got some nice macros of the snowdrops - including a fly sitting on one of the flowers.

As I got back towards the car, a kingfisher landed on a washed up tree trunk and I got a few shots of that before it flew off - although, as usual, I was a bit far away for it to be big enough in the frame. Looking down the estuary to the railway bridge, the mud was full of feeding birds and the light turned the structure of the bridge silver.

I finished off with some shots of redshanks and black-headed gulls - at least one of which had its breeding plumage and actually lived up to its name.

The rest of the day was and hour or so of gardening, fetching the mother-in-law for Sunday roast, cooking the roast and then editing files and sorting out my blip. It was nice to be cooking the tea in bright daylight - it didn't really start to get dark until about quarter to six. The evenings are beginning to draw out.

I chose this shot as my blip as it seemed to sum up the morning - bright light reflecting off the wet and the water which was everywhere.

Hope you all had as nice a day as we did and had the time to take advantage of it.

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