faded beauty...

...of a tulip

which has aged - well past its prime

yet - for some reason - i've kept it - hung on to the remnants of these flowers - as they have aged and withered - drying up - in their vase - i've told myself to throw them away several times - for many days in a row now - but time has ticked by - and i've continued to ignore myself - finally i decided to utilize them into some kind of a photo - realizing - indeed, there exists still an amazing faded beauty to them - that age has not diminished their importance or value -

i hope we have the same attitude with our aging population in the world - hold them close - not discarding them at face value just because they are a bit wrinkled around the edges - and have become a bit worse for wear - that we find they continue to offer up wisdom and grace to our communities - we need to welcome their fading beauty into our every day lives - with welcome arms - embracing them - so they feel important - valued - cherished - and realize that together - we can all have many...


happy day.....

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