
By elk922

Colonoscopy day!

The day has finally arrived. I feel like this colonoscopy was on the docket for so long now and the day has finally come. My bowels have been so awful lately that I was so eager to find some answers, and today we got that much closer to some. The first report after said that the colon looked good and the mucosa was ok at the macroscopic level. They did a bunch of biopsies of the colon and stomach, so in two weeks we will get to hear what they show. In the meantime I am assuming its IBS and will pray a sigh of relief it isn't anything more serious.
Today was pretty fun. Jimmy took off work and came with me for the morning. When we finally got back it was lunch time and I was ready for some food after not eating for a day and a half. He made some breakfast and then we walked across the street to meet up with the Galy's to see a lunch concert of a guy named Johnny Diaz. He was pretty good but I was starting to feel super crampy and in pain so I hobbled home and left them to finish. The rest of the day included a nap and community group. Overall I don't have any of those hilarious colonoscopy stories to tell. Mine involved pain and a day of rectal bleeding... Cue thigh slapping laughter. But I am grateful nonetheless that my husband and I are basically healthy and definitely happy.

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