
By eseifried

A Classic

My heart is so full. I walked through the 'hang out' room at IGF today to find four of our drill crew guys completely captivated, watching Chitty Chitty Bang Bang. I sat down and watched with them, delighting in how funny they thought such a classic movie is.

Not only do I think Dick Van Dyke is the dreamiest man of his day, but I think the classic movies are the very best. They just don't make movies like Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, Mary Poppins, and Sound of Music anymore. Pure content, real music. Gosh, I just love it.

I've realized I hope we have multiple boys, so there can be many trained-by-Grant-s in this world, but I hope we have at least one girl who will snuggle in bed with me while we watch these kinds of movies.

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