
By timon


He's Ebdo Mihemed a singing artist from Syria. He has been the number one celebrity in Finland for passed week. He's been in radio, television, talk shows, news, tabloids every day. The media coverage has been massive.

It all started when somebody added Finnish sub texts in one of his performance in a video and put it in You Tube. Apparently many Finns found it very amusing. Needless to say what was the nature of the texts. Anyways a production company got him to Finland.

I saw him when I was taking a stroll in down town at noon (no, actually I had a quick salad and ran back to the office :) and asked if I can take a picture. He seems to be a very nice man and is quite settled with with all the hustle and bustle.

I wish him all the best and hope that he enjoyed his time in Finland.

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