Brezel Adam

Brezel Adam (1892 - 1962) was known by everybody in Kaiserslautern back in the fifties. He was selling Brezels out of a huge basket.

The statue is located at the corner Marktstraße/Eisenbahnstraße, the very corner where he sold his Brezels back then (also the corner, where I wait for my bus on days I'm too lazy too walk to the train station - but I doubt there will be a statue for me one day.....hmm now that I think about that...who knows....).

I wonder what Brezel Adam would think about the Hello-Kitty-hype. A minute after I had taken my photo two teens almost died laughing about him and his hat. I think it was my fault, attracting attention by standing in front of him with my camera - sorry, Brezel Adam!).

Here's a photo of him from 1952 (facebook).

18:40 CET 6,5°C

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