RIP dad

Today I lost my dad - although we knew this day would come no one thought it would be this soon - my dad had had tongue cancer about eighteen months ago a horrible operation which left him having to learn to speak and eat again the pain was unbearable at times - then twelve months ago his wife my step mum slipped on the ice and was pronounced dead - the shock of it all i think took its toll horribly on my father - even though when they switched off the life support she kept fighting and managed to pull through against all the odds the stress became too much and I think he just started to give up on life

Two weeks ago he was admitted to hospital down to seven stone as he simply stopped eating - my last conversation with him I remember with tenderness I remember thinking I had my old dad back he seemed upbeat and more positive about life but sadly it was not to be

66 is no age to die and even though my parents divorced when I was in my teens he made a huge impression on my life for lots of different reasons and instilled in me my passion for literature

God bless dad i hope you have finally found the peace you craved and you are with your brother and father - we will keep the promise and make sure your ashes are scattered in your beloved Scotland

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