Croham Hurst Woods

Jess and I love walking in the woods opposite my parents house. Unlike our local walks there are hills and a plethora of squirrels!

We came home to find that Martin and Sam had made creme egg brownies for James.

Following blood tests last week we were delighted to find out that James IS NOT DIABETIC (or rather not affected yet, if he is). Welcome news indeed, even if it is merely a respite. The night we got the news that his blood sugars were infact normal, he sent me a link to this brownie recipe.....

As I was busy telling him that the likelihood of my children having diabetes was around...blah blah blah....He has now also just told me exactly what the likelihood is using the binomial distributive law of algebra, I think someone called Pascal was mentioned at one point....

He says the likelihood of my children having inherited my diabetes is:
0 children = £12%
1 child or more = 87%
2 or 3 = 50%
All 3 = 12%

So there you are, maths is useful after all!

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