Flower Spirit

By flowerspirit

Left Foot, Right Foot

Every day somewhere between getting home from school and going to bed, Noah disregards one of his socks. Only ever one. Every single night. For no apparent reason. Diddle diddle dumpling, my son Noah. One foot needs to be warm and held, one needs to be bare and free.

When I give healing I always end by connecting in with the feet to check whether energy is flowing equally down the right (male) side and the left (female) side. It's rare to find someone with an equal balance, and often on our inner journey we need to work to integrate these aspects.

Old patterning and fear from past lives can prevent a healthy balance of our divine masculine and feminine energies. It's interesting to observe which side of your body feels stronger, more supple and which side is more prone to injury. The right side of the body corresponds to our male aspect and the left to our female.

It's often said that opposites attract. When someone (and it can be a man or woman) carries a lot of male energy (very driven, active, logical and initiating) they will often seek to find the counterpart to that in their partner. So they will be drawn to someone who carries a lot of female energy (very creative, intuitive, nurturing and sharing). Finding balance from union with someone else is just a 'quick fix' in a way, and we need to integrate our inner masculine and feminine to be whole.

It's wonderful to meditate on your inner masculine and feminine with the intention of seeing where imbalances may lie and how they can be brought into balance. Then you don't need to seek integration from outside yourself. I rather suspect this will be the theme of Thursday's meditation class.

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