'We are what we do.'

By Hasywell

Time, Patience and Care

With time, patience and care I will see my daffodils bloom. We generally buy our cut flowers with their buds closed so that we can enjoy the pleasure of watching them open and be able to appreciate their beauty for much longer. This is the same for many elements of my life. With time, patience and care I will be able to experience and appreciate the many beautiful elements that help to make all that my life is today. The more I reflect the more I realise that the instant rewards or gratifications that our society seem to encourage and/or crave can take away the pleasure, mystery and beauty of anticipation, growth and understanding, as well as the time to watch, reflect and marvel. Whilst there may be times when this is hard in a world of instant access and instant gratification, for me at least embracing the giving of time, patience and care is worth it.

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