Littlemouse Adventures

By LitlemouseLilly


Ok so clearly the computer in the picture is not a windows PC, it is in fact Mr Mouses mac which should come with a health warning, have you seen that keyboard.

Anyway getting to the point today of thinking it might be easier to get Mr Moues mac to talk to the printer, they don't really get along and yes it is a mac compatible printer.

Decided today was the day, the day that I would format my PC. I gathered everything together. I thought 2 hours, maybe 3 hours if I ran into problems.......


I'm still at it.

First off stuck the recovery disc in. Nada, nothing, didn't do anything other than whizz round in the disc drive.

Now I have formatted laptops before, it was always a case of insert disc and it asked you if you wanted to format *sigh* when did it all get so complicated?

Next up google. Big fat useless help that was.

Found factory restore instructions, followed and then er yep not giving that option.

Decided the problem is laptop was brought as a windows vista machine and I got a free upgrade to windows 7.

Discovered I actually had the full vista operating system disc so decided to go down, the re installing operating system route.

Wooohoooo got as far as clean laptop with windows vista, go to upgrade to windows 7 and it tells me I need to be connected to the internet. Not a problem I think. Er why isn't my wireless internet doohickey thing working?

Another call to my Dad there have been many today and we worked out that the OS hadn't actually installed drivers for a few things - wireless internet doohickey included. Now mostly when you need a driver you download it from the internet.... See my problem?

Found another disc with utility drivers on,eventually worked out which driver I need to extract and yay internet. Since then I have been ruining the upgrade to windows 7.

Wonder if I'll get to bed today?

And the conclusion? I want an iMac.

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