day oot

I had to go into town today to drop off some of my craft stuff to a new shop called pebble that will open on 1st march on rosemount place. the shop is looking great already, can't wait to see what it will be like when it's open.

so, naturally I dragged the whole family. we met up with the hardie's and went for lunch at wagamammas which was great. we could have stayed all afternoon.

the other reason I wanted to go to town today was to go to the art gallery to see the tapestry of scotland...but the flamin' gallery was shut. I'll see it on friday instead. the kids were pleased, they didn't want to go - instead beefy finally went to replace his broken phone (with a super fancy one swit swoo!) and the kids bought a couple of dvds.

popped in for a few drink with the hardie's on the way home. nice day oot.

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