Tales from the Old Mills

By Oldmills

You Can Dress Us Up....

But You Cant Take Us Out.....
Be advised, I use the word "We" in the loosest possible sense here...

We were the only group to order drinks on the 7.30 flight from Dublin to Manchester.
We were the only group, Im sure, to take an impromptu wander around Old Trafford at stupid o' clock, checking out every Exutive Box door to see if was open, and eventually, illegally, ended up in the hallowed ground.
Tsk Tsk, terrible security......
We were the only group to refuse the sanctioned tourist snaps at the Manchester Eye, because, as the poor wage slave snapper was told, "Our Photogropher has a bigger one than yours"
We were the only group banging on an adjacent pub door at 11 o'clock am, puzzled as to why the stupid f#ckin place wasnt open in the middle of the day, when ours had been open (back home) since 8.30 am.
We were the only group to offer the entire staff of the pub, which is Manchesters Oldest Building, a job, on much better money, but the hours might have to be more flexible.
We were the only group to diss the Ugg Shop, just for being stupid and pointless, ever, Im sure.
We were the only group to order double sake's and Jameson in the Japanese restaurant we went to, in Polish.
We were, I have no doubt, the only (almost exclusively) Wicklow group to serenade, As Gaeilge, a Happy Birthday (or, Breithla Shona Dhuit) to the poor 82 year old codger at the table next to us.
And, I know the Dead Kennedys song, "Too Drunk To F#ck", but Im really, fairly sure, that we were the first group to be turfed out of the Indoor Skiing Place for being over the limit.
As the security guy said, "Its called "Apres-Ski" for a reason"
One Individual took it Too Far.
And he is now on My Shit List, because there is a BIG difference between Craic and Crime.
You would have to be one of us to know it, though, I suppose.

PS, Priority Boarding with Ryanair is a shambles- just blag your way through....

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