Tales from the Swamp

By fatmungo


Another amazingly quick Sunday. Early start for youngling 2's swimming which included a fast dash round Asda for tonight's tea.

On return I had a nice surprise Skype catch up with brother Oz. They've only been there a week or so but they are settling in well and starting to tick off some of the harder stuff. So far so good :-)

Rugby training was performed under "challenging" weather conditions. We only lasted 45min. We also discovered a new training metric. If >3 of the kids is crying it's probably getting too cold/wet/windy. That said, the youngest group stayed out the longer than we did. Tough little tykes.

I didn't watch anymore rugby. I got lost in the dreamy task of toilet cleaning and cooking the tea. I do like cooking steak though and everyone seemed to like it.

The Hobbit project nudged on a bit. I'm now undercoating with average results. Never sprayed models before so can only get better.

Food = Tasty rib-eye steak, mash and mushroom sauce.
Places = Somewhere cold and wet
Film = Monsters Uni (surprisingly good)

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