Kerstin's photojourney

By kerstinsphotos


are my favorite spring flowers - my "sign of spring" - love them and honestly as soon as I packed away my christmas decoration I buy the first tulips... love the purple ones - just found out that white and yellow also make a nice bouquet (with the green in-between)... I love to see how they grow in the vase - when I put them in the vase they look nice and after a few days they grow and sometimes their "heads" do lie on the table - very beautiful to look at.
Yesterday was a busy day for me but the best thing is that Max' recovery is going well - he is almost the old one again - except his "naked backside" - but fur is also growing so all in all we are happy.... hard to keep him calm as he isn't allowed to walk without leash and running around is also now allowed...
Am off for physiotherapy and grocery shopping then back home and hopefully doing some phone calls....

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