Sports' Hall

Got woken up very early this morning by the leaders' prayer meeting!
Had breakfast at 8:15.

Then had the morning meeting. We sang some fun children's songs and the leaders did a skit which was really funny.
Then we split into girls and boys groups. Beth, Onahi and Katie were interviewed and then we went into small groups to discuss.

Next was lunch, and after that we went to the sports hall. I didn't play any sports - (wayyyy too tired!) so I sat with a few other people at the side - watching & playing flappy bird!
When we got back we had a quiz - my team won!

Then it was tea. Afterwards we had the evening meeting which was good.

After the meeting we had 'organised fun' basically this crazy game called Gaga Ball and just chilled before bed.
Anna, Anna and I played Junior Monopoly and stayed up until 3:30am talking!!

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