
By elk922

Presidents Day

Thank you Mr. Presidents for a day off of work! I have the whole day to myself to try and tackle a huge to do list. I made it pretty far but there were a few stragglers that were saved for later. Notably, I worked on my resume for awhile and I think it is looking pretty good. They want us to start applying for jobs soon so that was a necessary task to accomplish when I had a little extra alone time to concentrate. I did boring things like clean and exercise, but it was a good day even though I didn't get to relax as much as I thought. Jimmy came home and we went to the grocery store and watched another episode of Sherlock. We love that show and unfortunately just finished the last free episode on Amazon Prime. There are 3 more episodes so we are going to have to sleuth around to see if we can watch them for free too. I'm very thankful for a great 3 day weekend and the ability to spend so much time with so many people who love us.

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