
Last day off from work, tomorrow "back in business" again.. and I think I've done nothing with my four freedays!
Well, today I've done little more than other days. At morning I went to body pump and spinning. After cleaning up myself, we went to eat salads to the city with Otto and source if we could find new harder mattress pad. Then I went alone to few more shops to find something small things to home.

When I got back in home, I decided to clean up "my room". "My room" is a room in our house, which I practically only use. Its full of my stuff (big [and I meen [b]BIG[/b]] Kung Fu Panda teddybear, the closet is full of my craftstuff and there's also a "work table+shelving",which I use to make my bead jewelrys and it's also full of boxes, beads, button and this&that...

Well, "my room" is now filled up also with my rags, which I use in my crochet works. Also the floor is full of everything! Who knows what can be found.. So my intent is to clean the floor and put the "stuff" where they belong.

I founded a bag, which had Christmas presents in! Okay, there where mostly chocolate and socks but still! There was also two cat toys, which Nelli&Peppi got from Otto's mom. I "hided" them on the bed which is in the room, because they were so small, that Peppi (perhaps) eats them.

After a while, when I had cleaned up and started to make jewelrys, Peppi came in the room and jumped determined on the bed and tooked one of those toys with her to the living room. I heard her saying at her mind:
"Here you are, I've been looking for you, my little sweet (tasting) bear."
So I let her play with it.
After a while, she came and tooked the other toy from the bed and she started to play with it with Nelli, and thats new! They don't ever play together! They played atleast half an hour, until Peppi started to destroy and eat the toy. And thats the point I have to take the toy away. But it didnt matter, they were so tired that they went to take nap :D

After that episode I looked a movie and now I'm cooking food for tomorrow while blipping. So that's what this day is about.

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