We Are family

Hi Tom

Look who I met up had lunch with today .....my wonderful cousin Gilly. I haven't seen Gilly for months. It was so nice to catch up with her.

First we went for a coffee and as you can see they made a beautiful heart shape on the top. I think it's so clever. A cup full of love.

We than did a bit of shopping as Gilly is going away for a couple of days to a spa in York. She is really looking forward to the break. Like me she works with special needs but she works with them much longer hours a week than I do that's for sure. The break is well needed and well earned.

We then went for lunch. Had a nice lunch and during lunch dad text to see if I wanted to go to out for dinner tonight. Well I'm not one to turn something like that down so I'm out again a bit later. We are going to Graham's On The Green. They have a Rihanna tribute night on so it should be good. I'll try and keep off the wine tonight :).

I didn't manage any exercise yesterday due to the hangover which hung about for far too long! However I did go for a run today with another friend. Think I'll do two boot sessions tomorrow to make up for it.

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