But, then again . . . . .

By TrikinDave


Mostly, today's weather was not very good but there were a few minutes when we had this wonderful light. The sun was shining, lighting the scene with a warm glow while, in the background, was a moody sky.

I always think that a landscape without some animal interest is a bit empty - that may, of course, be the effect the photographer is after - but, generally, something needs to be there; a few people, a dog, or even some livestock but, today, there was nothing appropriate. Usually, when this happens, I continue the walk and look for something with the same lighting to graft into the picture; today, Meg was struggling again, limping and breathless, but keen to go - we now really have to reduce her walks to the minimum compared with even just a week or two ago and so there was not the opportunity.

So today, we make the best of what we have: a pleasant picture (well I've posted worse), Meg enjoyed getting out while the kids were at school and she did enjoy her après walk nap.

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