
By FullardDays

Snot, cough and sore throats

A tricky day today with all the Fullards struck down with a February cold- particularly Annie. She is completely blocked up with streaming eyes and a spluttering cough. Poor thing. Arthur never got dressed and in the picture he 's still in his jamas. Mind you, at this point I am too! We are watching uncle simon's 5 mins of fame on the TV as he talks about streetwise the opera. We asked Arthur who it was on the tv not really expecting a response but no , he said 'simon ' straight away. I underestimate him .

So, great plans of a deep clean for the house and runs to the tip didn't really materialise as all hands on deck were required for nursing two needy kids!

We did still manage to make yummy bread, apple cake and a chicken and leek pie so all was not lost!

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